How can a 6-month-old girl in Guizhou be connected with ECNUAK?
The Chinese Teacher Bilingual Kindergarten holds a Christmas charity celebration every year, which not only exposes children to multiculturalism and cultivates international feelings, but also a social action for children to learn to care for others and dedicate their love.
At present, we have donated three children for cardiac surgery. The recipient of the donation recently is this lucky little girl named Shi Qingke.
Shi Qingke was diagnosed with a very serious heart disease in about 4 months and needed an open major cardiac operation as soon as possible. They found Shanghai H2H through local institutions and quickly received the donation from the Chinese teacher. In April Arrived in Shanghai on the 11th. After a month of surgery and rest, he was discharged on May 9.
Caring (knowing caring) is one of IB's learner profiles, and it is also an educational issue that we should pay attention to. The word "love" is reflected in the action, and it can also profoundly affect children's cognition and behavior during the action. Knowing that caring is a kind of "empathy" is a sincere act. Through the kindergarten Christmas Charity Market, our park allows the "love" education issues to happen around the children, so that every child participating in the activities can truly feel the changes that the action will bring to the surrounding world.
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