Teaching and Learn 课程与教学方式
>>Teaching and Learn 课程与教学方式
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多元拓展丰富课程注重艺体平衡,设置富有特色的音、美课程和图书馆课程、形成服装秀(Fashion Show)、艺术展(Arts Show)、夏季音乐会( Summer Concert)、阅读周(Library week )、 四大学院周(House Week) 等特色活动,同时辅以中外节庆活动及Club Time 等,满足幼儿多元化学习需要。
课程介绍幼儿园IB 课程 PYP 项目,围绕六大超学科主题我们是谁、我们身处什么时空、我们如何表达自己、世界如何运作、我们如何组织自己、共享地球,采用探究性学习方法,有机融合国家和上海二期课改课程,培养学习者的自主学习和思考能力,鼓励他们积极主动地学习和探究自己关心的问题,同时尊重幼儿的思维和情感特点,为未来的个人成功奠定坚实的基础。
“秋日印象”艺术展11月17日起,幼儿园举行了主题为“秋日印象”的艺术展。Pre-K和K1的学童们用树叶创作了充满创意的作品,将环境保护的意识浸润幼小的心灵,从随处可见的生活中探索美好,正是IBPYP所倡导的成长理念。Starting from 17th November, the kindergarten will hold art exhibition with the theme of Autumn Impression. Pre-k and K1 students create art works with leaves to and explore beauty from daily life, which is the growth concept advocated by IBPYP.
幼小衔接体验日来了今天是幼小衔接体验日。总共140位幼儿园K3的学生分批小学部参加体验活动,包括参观非物质文化遗产展览,进入课堂学习,与小学部的学长学姐一起用餐。Today and tomorrow are bridging programs for kindergarten students. A total of 140 K3 students will visit primary school. As an important part of the K-12 curriculum system, students' expectant psychological cognition provides us with educational opportunities. The important value of bridging programs will impact students’ academic and psychological development in the long run.(配图说明:一年级的学长学姐认真指导大班的学弟学妹)(配图说明:长笛初体验) (配图说明:午间阅读欢乐时光)龚德辉校长表示:“作为K-12课程体系的重要环节,令处在学龄中的儿童对高一学段的学习和生活充满向往,而学生期待性的心理认知恰好为我们提供了教育的机会。其重要价值,将长期反映在学生的学习和心理发展中。”
幼小衔接,建构K-12一贯教育重要一环9月22日到24日,学校开展了幼小衔接教师教研活动。幼儿园和小学部教师互相观课、加强教研,了解学生的先备知识和学习生态,更好地设计与学生认知相匹配的教学模式。 幼小衔接的重要性不言而喻:帮助学生平稳过渡到新的学段,并且通过一以贯之的课程体系和培养目标,促进全人教育理念的有效达成。由此引发的教研活动,不仅仅是了解不同学段学生知识储备的良好契机,更是建构K-12一贯制教育体系的重要环节,参与的教师们带着主动思考去观课教研,从座谈分享中吸收经验,体现了华师双语 “学习型社区” 的优质生态。 本周的幼小教研不是阶段性工作,而是开启本学年幼小衔接工作的一个起点。通过本次教研活动,学校将建立大班、小学一年级的老师的研究共同体,持续在过程中加强沟通、合作和研究,从而更好地帮助大班幼儿在各方面做好小学入学准备,也帮助小学一年级新生更快地渡过入学适应期。
什么是IB PYP课程? What is IB PYP Curriculum?IB-PYP是超学科框架的项目化学习课程,提供6大超学科主题,为幼儿学习关于他们自己和周边世界的越来越复杂的各种思想观点提供各种真实的情境。重视基于玩乐的探究,关注至关重要的发展能力,并支持幼儿成长为积极主动的、能够自我调节的学习者。 在IB-PYP课程中,教师们创建能激发幼儿学习兴趣的学习空间,深入聆听幼儿的想法,并制定令幼儿跃跃欲试的探究路径。教师们既要确保听取幼儿个人的想法、形成共同开展的调查,还要确保实现总体意图,要平衡地注意到各个方面,运用各种策略、工具和理解与幼儿密切合作,共同构建探究活动并定期反思实践。The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme is a program framework designed for kids aged three to twelve.The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, in the classroom and in the world. PYP is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance. It offers authentic opportunities to focus on the key developmental abilities that are acquired during this crucial time and that support young students to be self-regulating learners. The transdisciplinary themes offer authentic contexts for students to learn increasingly complex ideas about themselves and the world around them.PYP early years teachers create stimulating learning spaces, listen deeply to students and craft exciting avenues for inquiry. They ensure a balance between listening to individuals, shaping shared investigations and ensuring overall intentions for learning. Using a repertoire of strategies, tools and understandings, teachers work closely with students to co-construct inquiries and reflect regularly on their practice.Find out more about IB PYP Curriculum using the link belowhttps://www.ibo.org/programmes/primary-years-programme/what-is-the-pyp/Find out more about becoming an IB World School belowhttps://www.ibo.org/become-an-ib-school/
学习系统 Learning System华师双语幼儿园注重幼儿与真实世界的连接。因此,幼儿园运用探究式与玩乐式的学习方法来培养孩子的学习能力以及对世界的认知。探究式学习:以探究为基础的学习主要是一种教学方法,它要求学习者通过真实世界的体验来积极地参与知识的建构,在探究和玩乐中获得所学教材的含义。探究式学习鼓励学生对所学内容与所接触的环境进行提问,旨在激发学生的独立思考、自我反思、团队合作、解决问题等潜力。玩乐式学习婴幼儿最喜欢的探索方式是玩耍,而玩耍是推动探究式思维的一个有效方式。玩乐式的学习模式基于此理念,将“玩”视为学习的主要背景。在华师双语的课堂,年轻的小学者将在玩耍中以创新和调皮的方式去探索、实验、发现并且解决问题。教师则通过鼓励学生在与其他同伴玩耍的过程中探究和分析周围环境,来激发他们思考的深度和学习的主动性。ECNUAK emphasizes the connection of children and the real world. To realize this goal, inquiry-based and play-based learning are used in our classrooms.Inquiry-based learningInquiry-based learning is a form of active learning that encourages students to learn by posing questions, problems, or scenarios. It requires the learner to actively participate in personal or authentic experiences and to make meaning from it. Eventually, inquiry-based learning allows students to develop their thinking, reflection, collaboration, and problem solving skills.Play-based learningPlay is an engaging and impactful means to drive inquiry. A play-based program, part of the inquiry-based learning, builds on this motivation, making play as a context for learning. In this context, young learners will explore, experiment, discover and solve issues in creative and pixilated ways that motivate them to actively learn more about the world.A play-based approach involves each child-initiated and teacher-supported learning. In play-based learning, our teacher encourages students to learn through inquiry and to analyze their learning environment while playing with other students, through interactions that aim to expand their thinking to higher levels.
目标与价值观 Goals and Values我们将始终以学生发展为本,培养兼具独创精神、中国情怀和国际视野的具有国际视野的中国灵魂。我们培养未来华东师范大学附属双语幼儿园的学生的目标为:成功的学习者:具有自主学习与终身学习能力、批判性思维、敏锐的问题意识与问题解决能力、信息媒介素养; 自信和有创造力的领导者:自信乐观、面对挫折勇于接受挑战、能够积极利用资源创造性地解决问题,善于与人沟通并在群体中能够发挥领导组织才能; 包容理解、富于责任感的公民:具有全球视野、多元文化理解能力、富有社会责任感与正义感;艺体平衡发展、幸福生活的追求者:良好的综合素养、一定的艺体爱好与特长、能够灵活地适应生活、创造幸福。ECNUAK encourages students to become active global citizens to look beyond their local context by providing them experiences of globalized education. We define localized education as the process of adapting and localizing global forms of education, such as the IBO, to suit the sociocultural and political idiosyncrasies of the local context. The acquisition of additional languages also helps to develop multiculturalism.根据IB组织的理念,华师双语幼儿园注重以下十大培养目标:Thinkers 勤于思考;Balanced 全面发展;Principled 坚持原则;Risk-takers 勇于尝试;Caring 懂得关爱;Open-minded 胸襟开阔;Knowledgeable 知识渊博;Inquirers 积极探究;Communicators 善于交流;Reflective 及时反思According to IBO, all IB students aim to be:Thinkers, Balanced, Principled , Risk-takers, Caring, Open-minded, Knowledgeable, Inquirers, Communicators, Reflective Specifically, our goal at ECNUAK is to allow students to become:Successful Learners: active and life-long learners with critical thinking ability, acute awareness for problem solving, and skills for integrating information.Confident and Creative Leaders: confident, optimistic leaders who are willing to confront challenges. Problem solvers who actively integrate available resources and demonstrate communicative skills and leadership potential.Understanding and responsible citizens: world citizens with a global perspective, intercultural understanding, social responsibility and a strong sense of justice.Well-rounded individuals: versatile individuals with adaptability and balance who excel at both intellectual pursuits and athletic and artistic fields.Broadly speaking, the East China Normal University Affiliated School emphasizes:•High academic standards by encouraging students to achieve their full potential.•Conceptual development, processes and skills.•A broad curriculum that includes integrated approaches to learning.•The development of positive attitudes towards learning, self, and others.•Open communication between the school, home and community.•An appreciation and celebration of Chinese culture.•A global perspective, including a respect for the environment.•An appreciation and respect for individual and cultural differences.•The promotion of critical and independent thinking skills.•A love of learning to promote an attitude of life time learning habits.
我们的语言政策 Language Policy华师双语幼儿园重视培养学生的英语能力,同时也强调母语的学习。实验证明,学生第一语言的发展对学习第二语言和理解自我身份有着极大帮助。因此,我们在迷你课堂中为学生提供了口语、视觉语言、书面语言的双语教育。The aim of the education at ECNUAS is to develop global citizens who embrace both national and global forms of citizenship by being internationally minded and interculturally competent.This ECNUAS mission statement is the foundation for our language policy. It recognizes the importance of English as a world language, but also underscores the importance of maintaining and developing the mother tongue in supporting second language acquisition and maintaining a sense of local national identity. Our language policy allows students to develop their mother tongue and appreciate multiculturalism as well.A strong phonics program lays firm foundations for daily reading and writing practice, especially with our youngest students. We at ECNUAK cater to the differing languageneedsof the students through differentiationin order thatallyoung learnershavethe chanceofexpertisesuccess.At ECNUAK, we incorporate mini-lessons to support the students' language learning. The language curriculum at ECNUAK is organized intothe following areas:Oral Language- listening and speakingVisual Language- viewing and presentingWritten Language- readingWritten Language- writing
什么是IB PYP课程?What is IB-PYP?IB-PYP是超学科框架的项目化学习课程,提供6大超学科主题,为幼儿学习关于他们自己和周边世界的越来越复杂的各种思想观点提供各种真实的情境。重视基于玩乐的探究,关注至关重要的发展能力,并支持幼儿成长为积极主动的、能够自我调节的学习者。在IB-PYP课程中,教师们创建能激发幼儿学习兴趣的学习空间,深入聆听幼儿的想法,并制定令幼儿跃跃欲试的探究路径。教师们既要确保听取幼儿个人的想法、形成共同开展的调查,还要确保实现总体意图,要平衡地注意到各个方面,运用各种策略、工具和理解与幼儿密切合作,共同构建探究活动并定期反思实践。The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary YearsProgrammeis a program framework designed for kids aged three to twelve.The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, in the classroom and in the world. PYP is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance. It offers authentic opportunities to focus on the key developmental abilities that are acquired during this crucial time and that support young students to be self-regulating learners. The transdisciplinary themes offer authentic contexts for students to learn increasingly complex ideas about themselves and the world around them.PYP early years teachers create stimulating learning spaces, listen deeply to students and craft exciting avenues for inquiry. They ensure a balance between listening to individuals, shaping shared investigations and ensuring overall intentions for learning. Using a repertoire of strategies, tools and understandings, teachers work closely with students to co-construct inquiries and reflect regularly on their practice.•Find out more about IB PYP Curriculumusingthe link below•https://www.ibo.org/programmes/primary-years-programme/what-is-the-pyp/•Find outmore about becoming an IB World School below•https://www.ibo.org/become-an-ib-school/