About us 关于我们
>>About us 关于我们
我们的团队 Our Team华师双语幼儿园秉承IBO教育理念,拥有一支高素质的中外教队伍。 我们不仅注重每一位教师的资质和专业能力,更强调教师开放的学习心态、优秀的团队合作能力、对学生的尊重以及不断进取的研究能力。 ECNUAK owns a high quality teaching team. We values not only teachers’ professional backgrounds, but more importantly, their open learning attitudes, collaboration skills, respect for students, and research abilities.
我们是谁?Who are we?华东师范大学附属双语幼儿园创办于2015年,提供最高端的现代化教育理念, 2018年5月成为IB-PYP候选学校。幼儿园坚持结合现代教育精髓,采用国际性课程教学,创造多元文化氛围,致力于培养扎根中华、富有国际视野的终身学习者,培养儿童良好的品格、科学的思维能力与高雅的人文艺术涵养。目前已满员招收18个班级。East China Normal University Affiliated Bilingual Kindergarten is a candidate school for the IB Primary Years Program (PYP), and is pursuing authorization to be an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy – a commitment to high-quality, challenging, and international education – that we believe is important for our students. At ECNUAK, we value the personal, intellectual, and artistic development of every student.
团队建设Team building华师双语幼儿园秉承IBO教育理念,拥有一支高素质的中外教队伍。我们不仅注重每一位教师的资质和专业能力,更强调教师开放的学习心态、优秀的团队合作能力、对学生的尊重以及不断进取的研究能力。有一支志同道合、富有热情、责任心强的现代化教师团队。我们的教师拥有不同语言和文化背景,来自中国、美国、英国、新西兰、南非等国家。外籍教师全部持有外国专家证,所有老师均通过专业资质培训。我们依托国际文凭组织、华东师范大学等专业平台,持续为教师提供专业的培训帮助和启发老师在教学上不断创新,了解前沿的教学研究和实践,从而更好地投入教学工作。ECNUAK owns a high quality teaching team. We values not only teachers’ professional backgrounds, but more importantly, their open learning attitudes, collaboration skills, respect for students, and research abilities.
我们的愿景和使命Our Vision and Mission学校秉承“以中华传统文化为根基的、成功的学习者和优秀的具有国际视野的中国灵魂”的培养目标以及“学为日进”的校训,以提升学生具有国际竞争力的综合素质为学校特色建设方向,全面实施素质教育,努力创办“一所影响世界的中国学校”。Vision:Originate from China. Impact the worldMission:Taking a student-oriented approach to teaching and learning, we aim to cultivate world citizens with a global perspective who also value Chinese culture.
园所介绍About us华东师范大学附属双语幼儿园创办于2015年,提供最高端的现代化教育理念,2018年5月成为IB-PYP候选学校。幼儿园坚持结合现代教育精髓,采用国际性课程教学,创造多元文化氛围,致力于培养扎根中华、富有国际视野的终身学习者,培养儿童良好的品格、科学的思维能力与高雅的人文艺术涵养。目前已满员招收18个班级。East China Normal University Affiliated Bilingual Kindergarten is a candidate school for the IB Primary Years Program (PYP), and is pursuing authorization to be an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy – a commitment to high-quality, challenging, and international education – that we believe is important for our students. At ECNUAK, we value the personal, intellectual, and artistic development of every student.