我们的语言政策 Language Policy
华师双语幼儿园重视培养学生的英语能力,同时也强调母语的学习。实验证明,学生第一语言的发展对学习第二语言和理解自我身份有着极大帮助。因此,我们在迷你课堂中为学生提供了口语、视觉语言、书面语言的双语教育。The aim of the education at ECNUAS is to develop global citizens who embrace both national and global forms of citizenship by being internationally minded and interculturally competent.This ECNUAS mission statement is the foundation for our language policy. It recognizes the importance of English as a world language, but also underscores the importance of maintaining and developing the mother tongue in supporting second language acquisition and maintaining a sense of local national identity. Our language policy allows students to develop their mother tongue and appreciate multiculturalism as well.A strong phonics program lays firm foundations for daily reading and writing practice, especially with our youngest students. We at ECNUAK cater to the differing languageneedsof the students through differentiationin order thatallyoung learnershavethe chanceofexpertisesuccess.At ECNUAK, we incorporate mini-lessons to support the students' language learning. The language curriculum at ECNUAK is organized intothe following areas:Oral Language- listening and speakingVisual Language- viewing and presentingWritten Language- readingWritten Language- writing