国际文凭课程IB PYP Curriculum
课程介绍幼儿园IB 课程 PYP 项目,围绕六大超学科主题我们是谁、我们身处什么时空、我们如何表达自己、世界如何运作、我们如何组织自己、共享地球,采用探究性学习方法,有机融合国家和上海二期课改课程,培养学习者的自主学习和思考能力,鼓励他们积极主动地学习和探究自己关心的问题,同时尊重幼儿的思维和情感特点,为未来的个人成功奠定坚实的基础。
什么是IB PYP课程? What is IB PYP Curriculum?IB-PYP是超学科框架的项目化学习课程,提供6大超学科主题,为幼儿学习关于他们自己和周边世界的越来越复杂的各种思想观点提供各种真实的情境。重视基于玩乐的探究,关注至关重要的发展能力,并支持幼儿成长为积极主动的、能够自我调节的学习者。 在IB-PYP课程中,教师们创建能激发幼儿学习兴趣的学习空间,深入聆听幼儿的想法,并制定令幼儿跃跃欲试的探究路径。教师们既要确保听取幼儿个人的想法、形成共同开展的调查,还要确保实现总体意图,要平衡地注意到各个方面,运用各种策略、工具和理解与幼儿密切合作,共同构建探究活动并定期反思实践。The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme is a program framework designed for kids aged three to twelve.The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, in the classroom and in the world. PYP is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance. It offers authentic opportunities to focus on the key developmental abilities that are acquired during this crucial time and that support young students to be self-regulating learners. The transdisciplinary themes offer authentic contexts for students to learn increasingly complex ideas about themselves and the world around them.PYP early years teachers create stimulating learning spaces, listen deeply to students and craft exciting avenues for inquiry. They ensure a balance between listening to individuals, shaping shared investigations and ensuring overall intentions for learning. Using a repertoire of strategies, tools and understandings, teachers work closely with students to co-construct inquiries and reflect regularly on their practice.Find out more about IB PYP Curriculum using the link belowhttps://www.ibo.org/programmes/primary-years-programme/what-is-the-pyp/Find out more about becoming an IB World School belowhttps://www.ibo.org/become-an-ib-school/
什么是IB PYP课程?What is IB-PYP?IB-PYP是超学科框架的项目化学习课程,提供6大超学科主题,为幼儿学习关于他们自己和周边世界的越来越复杂的各种思想观点提供各种真实的情境。重视基于玩乐的探究,关注至关重要的发展能力,并支持幼儿成长为积极主动的、能够自我调节的学习者。在IB-PYP课程中,教师们创建能激发幼儿学习兴趣的学习空间,深入聆听幼儿的想法,并制定令幼儿跃跃欲试的探究路径。教师们既要确保听取幼儿个人的想法、形成共同开展的调查,还要确保实现总体意图,要平衡地注意到各个方面,运用各种策略、工具和理解与幼儿密切合作,共同构建探究活动并定期反思实践。The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary YearsProgrammeis a program framework designed for kids aged three to twelve.The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, in the classroom and in the world. PYP is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance. It offers authentic opportunities to focus on the key developmental abilities that are acquired during this crucial time and that support young students to be self-regulating learners. The transdisciplinary themes offer authentic contexts for students to learn increasingly complex ideas about themselves and the world around them.PYP early years teachers create stimulating learning spaces, listen deeply to students and craft exciting avenues for inquiry. They ensure a balance between listening to individuals, shaping shared investigations and ensuring overall intentions for learning. Using a repertoire of strategies, tools and understandings, teachers work closely with students to co-construct inquiries and reflect regularly on their practice.•Find out more about IB PYP Curriculumusingthe link below•https://www.ibo.org/programmes/primary-years-programme/what-is-the-pyp/•Find outmore about becoming an IB World School below•https://www.ibo.org/become-an-ib-school/