2018 Kindergarten Graduation
发布时间:2018-07-02 09:30:12   发布人:李瑾   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:336


On a hot morning in late June, with the sun beating down and the mercury going up, the ECNUAK class of 2018 gathered to celebrate a significant milestone in their young lives: Graduating from kindergarten!With their parents, teachers and special guests in attendance, the four classes of K3 celebrated their achievement in their own distinctive ways.

The graduating class of 2018 is made up of 82 unique individuals. They all worked hard to reach this point. They all received selfless help, guidance, love and support from dedicated teachers, caring governesses and an engaged learning community that wants them to embrace challenges.

ECNUAK is a learning community that empowers students to gain confidence through inquiring, exploring and experimenting, safe in the knowledge that they are valued, respected and loved. Our students know that there is no failure, only steps on the way to success.

As parents and teachers we put a lot of time and energy into preparing our children for their futures. We strive to equip our children with life-long skills to prepare them for adulthood. Since no one knows what the future will bring, the best preparation is to be an agile and adaptive learner.

Challenges are a part of life. There is little value in coddling or indulging children. There is great value in guiding them to discover their talents, giving them the tools to express themselves and challenging them to develop the skills to form questions and find answers.