美国高中生经济学竞赛获奖G11的邱楚婷同学和丁之悦同学领衔的团队在NEC(美国高中生经济学竞赛)获得铜牌,并获得思辨思维顶尖团队称号,G11的赵自翔同学在NEC(美国高中生经济学竞赛)获得资格考试个人优异奖。NEC是美国高中生经济学竞赛,由美国经济教育学会(CouncilforEconomicEducation)举办。祝贺同学们!Good news!The team led by Tina Qiu Chuting won the Bronze award in NEC (Economics Competition for High School Students) and they also got the title of critical thinking top team in problem solving.
升学喜报传来喜讯!又一枚伦敦大学学院(UCL)录取通知书花落华师双语。截至本周五,本届毕业生总计获得144枚录取通知。Good news from High School! Another UCL offer received by our student. As of Friday, a total of 144 offers had been received.
G11学生吴立早在美国数学竞赛(AMC)创佳绩IBDP的吴立早同学参加了美国数学竞赛(AMC),得到了来自官方的喜讯与邀请,荣获全球Top5%,并晋级美国数学邀请赛(AIME)。让我们恭喜吴立早同学,也期待他在美国数学邀请赛的表现。 AlexWu from IBDP participated in the American Mathematics Competition and received good news and invitation from the official. He won the top 5% in the world and was promoted to the American Invitational Mathematics Examination.Congratulations to Alex andexpecthis excellentperformance in the AIME.
G11学生李竞洋荣获了英国物理奥林匹克竞赛银奖IBDP的李竞洋同学参加了英国物理奥林匹克竞赛,3月初收到了官方的喜讯,荣获银奖,恭喜李竞洋同学。 Jairo Li from IBDP participated in the BOhO OnlineSenior Physics Challenge and finally stood out, won the Silver Award.Congratulations to Jairo!
我校荣获NEC国际经济与时事地区个人奖 National Economics Challenge我校高中部邓嘉琪同学在2022全美经济学挑战杯National Economics Challenge (NEC)区域战中获得国际经济与时事地区个人奖。NEC是美国高中生经济学竞赛,由美国经济教育学会(Council for Economic Education)举办。祝贺同学们以及指导教师张祎。Deng Jiaqi from high School won the regional Individual Prize in International Economics and current affairs in the 2022 National Economics Challenge (NEC). Congratulations to the students and our instructor Ms. Ivy Zhang.
2022届毕业生佳讯快报截止2022年1月3日,2022届毕业生一共获得30枚Offer,包括谢菲尔德大学、兰卡斯特大学、曼彻斯特大学、宾州州立大学、联合学院、迈阿密大学牛津分校、香港大学等知名院校,录取的专业涵盖商务管理与经济学、社会学、心理学、经济学等。华师双语2022届毕业生升学申请仍在进行中,敬请期待更多佳讯。The number of offers for IBDP graduates 2022 has reached 30. New offers include University of Hong Kong, Lancaster University and Penn State University. Expect more good news!
iGEM Global Silver Medal by High School ECNUAS-silent Spring team 我校高中部学生获2021年iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛荣“全球银奖”荣誉我校高中部学生在今年iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛中荣获2021年“全球银奖”荣誉。ECNUAS-Silent Spring战队研究方向——便携式无细胞Atrazine(莠去津)除草剂检测装置我校团队通过小组实验,致力于开发一种便携式、高效且低廉的无细胞传感器,通过荧光显色来检测Atrazine的代谢产物,帮助人们提高对于水体和土壤的保护意识。iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛是一个多维度、高学术型的综合性国际竞赛。International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition(iGEM)始于2003年,由美国麻省理工学院(MIT)主办,是合成生物学领域一年一度国际性大学生顶级学术竞赛。iGEM在2005年发展成为国际赛事,2009年有113支队伍参赛,2018年有343支队伍参赛,直至2021年,全球有来自45个国家和地区的共计352支高校队伍参赛,包括哈佛、麻省理工、斯坦福、剑桥、牛津、南洋理工、北大、清华等世界一流高校,每年iGEM都受到Nature、Science关注并进行专题报道。iGEM global silver medal won by High School ECNUAS-silent Spring team, congratulate these excellent team members. Many thanks to all teachers who supported them, including Bob and Yawen. IGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine competition) is a multi-dimensional and highly academic international competition. It is believed to promote the innovative education and cultivation of the next-generation synthetic biology scientists.
1st Prize in the "I Love Chinese Style" Global Short Video Competition 我校外教在人民日报主办的全球短视频大赛中荣获一等奖Congratulations!Adam Mcilmoyle from Middle School won the first prize in the I Love Chinese Style global short video Competition. The link of the video:近日,由人民日报社主办、人民日报社新媒体中心承办的“我爱中国风”全球短视频大赛圆满落幕,大赛累计征集到近19万部参赛作品,大赛最终评选出29件综合奖及若干优秀组织奖。其中,华师双语初中部的AdamMcilmoyle老师拍摄的探索西江苗寨地方民俗文化的作品《不一样的中国 你不知道的中国》荣获大赛一等奖。视频链接:“我爱中国风”全球短视频大赛自今年3月31日上线以来,在全球范围内征集到众多生动鲜活的短视频作品,参赛者从中国民俗、艺术、风景、美食等多个角度取材创作,内容涵盖舞龙舞狮、玉雕、磁器口古镇等独具特色的中国元素,向世界传递出丰富多元、历久弥新的中国形象。大赛期间,相关内容全网传播量近20亿,全球新闻综合平台Google News、知名海外媒体Times Online、Digital Journal等海外600余家媒体平台在全球范围内发布报道,进一步向世界展示了丰富、多元的中国文化。Interview for Mr.Adam关于奖项About The Prize1.是什么契机,你参加了这个比赛?What led you to this competition?I entered the People’s Daily competition in 2020 and received first place, so I thought I’d try my luck again and made a video for this year’s competition!2.平时您是怎样计划旅行,怎么去了解中华文化的?How do you plan your travels and learn about Chinese cultureI am always searching online for interesting places in China. Once I decide on a general area, I look for special activities or local food that I could go and try!3.这次视频的选材,为什么选择了苗族?Why did you choose the Hmong people for this video?I had seen the photos of the village surrounding the mountain online, and I have been wanting to go there for years as it was like nothing I had ever seen. The Miao people drew my attention with their unique clothing, and I’m glad I went as I now have a new favourite food – Green bean noodles!4.接下来还有什么旅行和拍摄计划吗?What are the travel and filming plans for next?I would love to visit GanSu province. The rainbow mountains and the crescent lake at Dunhuang look amazing!5.您都用哪些器材进行拍摄?What kind of equipment do you use for filming?I use a Sony A7c and a DJI Air 2 to do most of the filming. But really it doesn’t matter what camera is used – the story is the most important thing!6.您是怎么学习拍摄和剪辑的?How did you learn to shoot and edit?I learned myself, through a lot of trail and error! I like to watch different movies and write down specific things that I like about them, then try to add these things to my videos.关于教学About Teaching1.您在学校教授的学科?What subjects do you teach at school?I teach Maths and IMYC to Grade 6 and 72.您会经常和同学们分享旅行的见闻吗?(如果有,同学们会有什么反应?)Do you often share your experiences of traveling with your classmates? (If so, how would the students react?)For my recent competition video, I showed my students an early draft to ask their opinions. I got some great feedback!3.在教室里上课的Adam老师和视频里的Adam有什么不同?What's the difference between Teacher Adam in the classroom and Adam in the video?No, I don’t think so. I’m very easy-going (most of the time!)4.旅游带给了您什么样的教学灵感?What teaching inspirations did traveling bring to you?5.在华师双语任教的一年中,您最深刻的感受是什么?What are your deepest feelings during your one year of bilingual teaching in华师双语?I am proud of the clear progress my students have made in such a short time, and I am excited to see them continue to grow!6.您在学校的活动中,也经常支持一些视频拍摄的工作,拍摄这些视频时,您是怎么构思的?In school activities, you often support some video shooting work. How do you conceive when shooting these videos?7.如果有机会您自选一个主题,在校园内,您会想创意一个怎样的短片?If you have the chance to choose a theme, what kind of short film would you like to create on campusI have a good idea, but I can’t really put it into words – I guess the title would be “You are ECNUAS” and would focus on the idea that everyone works together in school to great the great big family that is our school!8.阳光下一小时的课程,你会教同学们什么内容?What’s the main idea of you under sunshine 1hour Course? What will you teach for your students?I will show them the basics of how to edit videos. We will focus on pacing, transitions, adding audio, colour grading and hopefully have time to shoot and edit our own short videos!关于中国About China1.您游览了中国哪些地方?Where did you visit in China?Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Guilin, Yangshou, Lijiang, Shangri-La, Ningde, Guiyang, Zunyi, Chengdu, Changsha, Fuzhou, Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing.2.目前最喜欢的地方是哪里?What's your favorite place so far?It has to be Yubeng village in northern Yunnan. Surrounded by snowy mountains on 3 sides, and taking a 4 hour hike to get there, it was absolutely incredible. Breathtaking!3.用一句话表达对中国的感情,会是什么?What would be one sentence to express your feelings towards China?I will always be immensely grateful for all of the opportunities that I have been fortunate to experience in China, and I hope I can continue to make many more memories here for years to come!
陈逸明在上海市第四届青少年人工智能创新大赛暨全国邀请赛中获得三项荣誉恭喜我校初中部陈逸明同学,在上海市第四届青少年人工智能创新大赛暨全国邀请赛中获得三项荣誉。指导教师为初中部吴小敏。Congratulations to Chen Yiming, a student from Middle School, who won three honors in the 4th Shanghai Youth Artificial Intelligence Innovation Competition.
7 High school students award 20th MicroBiz! Future Business Leaders’ Summit prizes 我校高中学生在 2021 年 夏季MicroBiz! 第二十届未来商业领袖峰会创出佳绩我校高中学生在指导教师杨子青的带领下,在 2021 年夏季MicroBiz! 第二十届未来商业领袖峰会(20th MicroBiz! Future Business Leaders’ Summit)全国赛中表现出了优异的创新能力、 团队协作能力、商业决策能力和领导能力,在来自全国各个优秀中学的数百名参赛学生中脱颖而出,创出佳绩,取得了荣誉,获得了以下奖项:Congratulations tohigh school students and supervisor Catherine! In 20th MicroBiz! The Future Business Leaders' Summit they demonstrated outstanding innovation, teamwork, Business decision making and leadership skills, which stood out from hundreds of students from excellent middle schools across the country, achieved outstanding achievements and won the following awards:
Li Ye won the second prize in the ASDAN Critical Thinking QualificationCongratulate! Student Li Ye from Class 9B won the second prize in the ASDAN Critical Thinking Qualification.高中部G9B学生李烨在ASDAN批判性思维挑战赛中荣获亚军。
高中部学生在USAD中获得多项荣誉好消息!我校在USAD美国学术十项全能--美国首屈一指的高中生综合学术竞赛中荣获多项荣誉:高中部程一凡同学荣获单科演讲学者组中国区铜奖;焦煜飚同学荣获单科经济学荣誉组中国区铜奖;瞿奕辰同学荣获面试区域个人优胜奖;指导教师续超荣获优秀教练奖;华师双语国际部荣获"通识新秀学校奖和最佳组织奖"。Good news! High School students and teachers award prizes in United States Academic Decathlon. Yifan Cheng from the DP1 of our school won the National Bronze Award in the Single Subject Speech Scholars Group, Yubiao Jiao won the National Bronze Award in the Single Subject Economics Honors Group, and Yichen Qu won the Individual Excellence Award in the Interview subject. Supervisor Chao Xu won the Excellent Coach Award. ECNUAS also won the General Education Rising Start School Award and the Best Organization Award. Congratulations!
高中首战金融赛,华双学子创佳绩喜讯到!华师双语高中部邱楚婷同学及其团队在2020LIBF全球金融挑战全球总决赛(LIBF Student Investment Challenge)中荣获银牌。 伦敦金融研究院(The London Institute of Banking Finance)成立于1879 年,致力于提供专业和实践性强的各类金融课程、能力认证与金融类竞赛活动,为全球金融行业培养优秀的现代金融人才。Congratulations, Chuting Qiu and her teammember have won multiple awards in LIBF Student Investment Challenge. Theteam got silver medal Winner in Student Investment Challenge (Global finals)The Student Investor Challenge is the UK's premier investment competition for students. The London Institute of Banking Finance aims to advance banking and finance by providing outstanding education and thinking, tailored to the needs of business, individuals, and society.It on lifelong learning; equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to achieve what they want throughout their career and life.They provide a balance of experience, insight and thought leadership into today’s financial world, delivered by industry leaders, thinkers and members of our community.Since 1879, they connect s and build partnerships between people and business that make banking and finance more accessible and understood, and enhance social inclusion through better financial capability.
Over 60% of 2021 IBDP go to top 50 universities 6成毕业生进入全球排名前50大学As of May 2021, all DP2 students have received offers from universities in the U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia.Over 60% of them are going to top 50 world universities.University of Manchester, King's College London, University College London,University of Warwick,Bristol University, University of Birmingham, University of St.Andrews,Durham University, the University of Virginia, Northeastern University,University of Toronto, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney etc.Majors includes Finance, Economics, Life sciences, Arts, Computer science, Sports and Exercise science, Psychology, Education and Human resources. Schools should make every effort to raise students up and pave the best path for development.截至2021年5月, 本届19名DP2 学生已100%获得来自美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚知名大学的录取通知书 。 60%的学生即将进入全球排名前50的大学。录取学校包括:英国圣安德鲁斯大学、伦敦大学学院、爱丁堡大学、华威大学、拉夫堡大学、曼彻斯特大学、伦敦大学国王学院、约克大学、伯明翰大学、诺丁汉大学、美国弗吉尼亚大学、加州大学圣地亚哥、东北大学、普渡大学、加拿大麦吉尔大学、英属哥伦比亚大学、多伦多大学,澳大利亚悉尼大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学等。录取专业广泛,包括金融、经济、生命科学、艺术、计算机科学、体育与运动科学、游戏设计与研发、心理学、教育学和人力资源在内的多个领域。大学/University专业/Major曼彻斯特大学/University of Manchester会计与金融/Accounting Finance布里斯托大学/University of Bristol会计与金融/Accounting Finance伯明翰大学/University of Birmingham会计与金融/Accounting Finance伦敦大学国王学院/King's College London会计与金融/Accounting Finance曼彻斯特大学/University of Manchester经济学/Economics布里斯托大学/ University of Bristol经济学/Economics华威大学/University of Warwick经济学/Economics布里斯托大学/University of Bristol生物学/Biology圣安德鲁斯大学/University of St. Andrew生物学/Biology伦敦大学学院/University College London生物科学/Biological Sciences华威大学/University of Warwick生物科学/Biological Sciences多伦多大学/University of Toronto生命科学-生物学/Life Sciences-Biology麦吉尔大学/McGill University生物学/Biology创意艺术大学/University for the Creative Arts艺术设计国际预科 服装设计本科/International Foundation in Art, Design and Media BA in Fashion Design剑桥视觉与表演艺术学院/Cambridge School of Visual Performing Arts艺术设计与课/UAL Level 4 Foundation Diploma in Art Design布莱顿大学/University of Brighton时尚设计与商务研究/Fashion Design with Business Studies米德塞斯大学/Middlesex University时尚设计与预备课程/Fashion Design with Foundation Year金士顿大学/Kingston University艺术、设计与媒体实践预科/Foundation Diploma in Art, Design Media Practice诺丁汉特伦特大学/Nottingham Trent University时尚设计/Fashion Design马兰戈尼时尚设计学院/Instituto Marangoni时尚设计/Fashion Design杜伦大学/Durham University计算机科学/Computer Science华威大学/University of Warwick计算机科学/Computer Science曼彻斯特大学/University of Manchester计算机科学/Computer Science弗吉尼亚大学/University of Virginia 计算机科学/Computer Science /ED 水牛城大学/ University at Buffalo-SUNY 新加坡科廷大学/Curtin College 亚利桑那州立大学/Arizona State University 社会学/Sociology 迈阿密大学/Miami University Oxford unclear 詹姆斯库克大学新加坡校区/ James Cook University人力资源Foundation Program/ Human Resource特拉华大学/University of Delaware运动科学/Exercise Science杜伦大学/Durham University体育与运动科学/Sport and Exercise Sciences埃克塞特大学/University of Exeter运动与体育科学/Exercise and Sport Sciences巴斯大学/University of Bath体育与运动科学/Sport and Exercise Science拉夫堡大学/Loughborough University体育与运动科学/Sport and Exercise Science爱丁堡大学/The University of Edinburgh应用运动科学/Applied Sport Science东北大学/Northearstern University健康科学/Health and Science 佩珀代因大学Pepperdine University 运动医学/Exercise Medicine迈阿密大学/University of Miami健康科学/Health and Science 乔治华盛顿大学/George Washington Universuty 阿尔伯塔大学/University of Alberta心理学/Psychology多伦多大学/University of Toronto心理学/Psychology英属哥伦比亚大学/University of British Columbia心理学/Psychology女王大学/Queen's University心理学/Psychology女王大学/Queen's University理科-心理学/BSc in Psychology多伦多大学/University of Toronto生命科学-心理学/Life Sciences-Psychology墨尔本大学/University of Melbourne商科/Commerce滑铁卢大学/University of Waterloo康复与休闲研究/Recreation and Leisure Studies约克大学/York University商科/Commerce多伦多大学/University of Toronto商科/Rotman Commerce加州大学圣地亚哥/University of California San Diego商业心理学/Business Psychology里海大学/Lehigh University 商科/Business埃塞克斯大学/University of Essex英语第二语言教学/Teaching English as a Foreign Language约克大学/University of York教育学/Education悉尼大学/University of Sydney英语/English多伦多大学/University of Toronto国际预科/IFP特拉华大学/University of Delaware未决定专业/Accelerate -U Delaware约克大学/University of York教育学/Education东英吉利亚大学/University of East Anglia教育学/Education诺丁汉大学/University of Nottingham教育学/Education雷丁大学/University of Reading教育研究/Education Studies谢菲尔德大学/University of Sheffield教育,文化与儿童/Education, Culture and Childhood渥太华大学/University of Ottawa教育学/Education约克大学/York University商科/Commerce多伦多大学/University of Toronto商科/Commerce东北大学/Northearstern University商科/Business里海大学/Lehigh University 商科/Business普渡大学/ Purdue University 游戏设计与研发/Game Development and Design宾夕法尼亚州立大学/Penn State University 网络安全与管理/Cybersecurity Analytics and operation 加州大学河滨分校/University of California Riverside 计算机科学/computer Science 莫那什大学/Monash University商业管理/Business Administration川特大学/Trent University心理学/Psychology布鲁克大学/Brock University儿童和青少年研究/BA-Child and Youth Studies program温莎大学/University of Windsor心理学/Psychology西澳大学/University of West Australia社会心理学+教育本硕连读/Psychology in Society+Master of Teaching水牛城大学/ University at Buffalo-SUNY计算机科学/Computer Science 亚利桑那大学/University of Arizona 物理专业/Physics 宾夕法尼亚州立大学/Penn State University 金融专业/Business in Finance 东北大学/Northearstern University商科/Business悉尼大学/University of Sydney商科/Commerce雪城大学/Syracuse University社会学/Sociology悉尼大学/University of Sydney文科/BA英属哥伦比亚大学/The University of British Columbia文科/BA匹兹堡大学/University of Pittsburgh社会学/Sociology香港公开大学/The Open University of Hong Kong生命科学/Life Sciences