黄玉敏 Yasmine Huang
发布时间:2020-11-06 10:45:51   发布人:陆倪丹   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:248


I grew up in a family that values education. Both of my parents are university professors who continue to be a great influence on me. I’ve developed a passion for teaching thanks to them and studied TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other languages) at the University of Edinburgh. This experience has enabled me to embrace different cultures and see the world from an international perspective.

Since I came back to China, I’ve been teaching ESL. I’m always seeking to develop a global mindset in my students while teaching and I regularly adapt the typical Chinese way by instilling the teaching methodology I learned abroad to suit Chinese students’ needs. I’ve taught students of different ages, from teenagers to adults, but I particularly love teaching teenagers who are always active and creative. They constantly inspire me and bring out the best in me.


