发布时间:2021-03-03 11:04:52   发布人:李逸嘉   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:741

    喜讯到!华师双语高中部邱楚婷同学及其团队在2020LIBF全球金融挑战全球总决赛(LIBF Student Investment Challenge)中荣获银牌。

    伦敦金融研究院(The London Institute of Banking & Finance)成立于1879 年,致力于提供专业和实践性强的各类金融课程、能力认证与金融类竞赛活动,为全球金融行业培养优秀的现代金融人才。


Congratulations, Chuting Qiu and her teammember have won multiple awards in LIBF Student Investment Challenge. The team got silver medal Winner in Student Investment Challenge (Global finals)

The Student Investor Challenge is the UK's premier investment competition for students. The London Institute of Banking & Finance aims to advance banking and finance by providing outstanding education and thinking, tailored to the needs of business, individuals, and society.

It on lifelong learning; equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to achieve what they want throughout their career and life.

They provide a balance of experience, insight and thought leadership into today’s financial world, delivered by industry leaders, thinkers and members of our community.

Since 1879, they connect s and build partnerships between people and business that make banking and finance more accessible and understood, and enhance social inclusion through better financial capability.

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