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发布时间:2022-11-01 08:15:40   发布人:陆雅菲   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:732

捷报传来! 华旭战队(优化器官移植抗排异药雷帕霉素探索)喜获iGEM(International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition) 全球银奖!


2022年10月28日,iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛(International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition)全球决赛落下帷幕,华旭双语学校校队(ECNUAS)6位同学(王国元,汪昊,邱添奕,崔瀚文,杨程栋,徐晨媛)继承过往高光表现,再次勇夺全球银奖。







Efficiency Enhancement of Rapamycin Fermentation by Knocking out the M271_14685/M271_14690 Gene in Streptomyces Rapamycinicus

Organ transplantation faces the problem of immune rejection while giving patients a second life. As a novel macrolide antibiotic, Rapamycin is widely used as a clinical drug for treating immune rejection. It significantly improves the survival rate of transplanted organs after surgery. However, the low productivity of this medicine causes its rocketing price. Our project intends to construct an engineered strain using genetic engineering, mainly by knocking out the two-component system encoding gene M271_14685/M271_14690 in Streptomyces rapamycinicus, optimizing the metabolic regulatory network of rapamycin biosynthesis, and improving the fermentation yield of the Rapamycin. This project will lower the price of Rapamycin and bring significant value to patients with organ transplantation.

Key Words: Organ transplantation, Rapamycin, Genetic Engineering.


在实验环节中,同学们熟练运用了移液器,超净台,PCR仪,电泳仪,离心机,灭菌锅,水浴锅等仪器完成了PCR扩增(PCR Amplification),DNA提取 (DNA Gel Extraction Kit),质粒提取(Plasmid Extraction),同源重组(Homogeneous Reorganization),质粒验证(Identification of recombination plasmid by double-digestion),质粒转化(Transfer recombinant plasmid into Streptomyces rapamycinicus.),以及雷帕霉素产量测定(Rapamycin production estimation)。经过全体同学的不懈努力,最终成功地获得了一株高产的雷帕霉素链球菌,为未来提升雷帕霉素产量奠定了坚实基础。


iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛作为全球最高水平的跨学科赛事,融合生命科学,化学,社会学,商学,数学,计算机等众多学科,旨在培养学生运用前沿科学技术分析现实问题,解决现实问题的思维与方法。自2003 麻省理工学院(MIT)发起该项赛事以来,迄今为止,每年吸引大约350支队伍,逾7000人参赛。其中不乏全球顶尖高等院校及优质高中,比如麻省理工学院(MIT),康奈尔大学(Cornell University), 帝国理工学院(Imperial College,London),复旦大学(Fudan University),上海中学国际部(Shanghai High School, International Division)

, 广东省实验中学(Guangdong Experimental High School), 深圳中学(Shenzhen Middle School), 上海平和学校(Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School)等。以下为部分优质高中2022年iGEM国际遗传工程机器大赛战绩。

此外,陈佳佳同学参与Shanghai_city团队, 徐裴宏同学参与Shanghai_United团队,均获得全球银奖。以下为这两支团队课题介绍:

Shanghai_city  鱼缸清道夫

目前,抗生素对微生物感染有抑制效果,但滥用抗生素会导致细菌耐药性问题,从而对全球健康构成巨大威胁。 抗菌肽(AMPs)是一类能够抑制细菌活性而不引起细菌耐药性的碱性多肽。我们团队在大肠杆菌中表达天然的抗菌肽,抑制了鱼缸内的细菌滋生,为家养观赏鱼提供水质改良方案。

Currently, antibiotics are popular choices due to their effectiveness against microorganism infection, while their abuse leads to bacterial resistance issues thus posing a huge threat to global health. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are alkaline polypeptides that can inhibit bacterial activity without causing bacterial resistance. Our team expressed and purified natural antimicrobial peptides in E. coli through genetic engineering to inhibit bacterial breeding in fish tanks and provide water quality

improvement solutions for domestic ornamental fish.


Shanghai_United 混合饲料添加剂

畜牧饲料主要包括青贮饲料与谷物饲料, 青贮饲料中含有大量的木质纤维素,难以消化吸收,而谷物饲料中由大量半纤维素木聚糖组成,不易被动物吸收。我们团队采用多酶协同降解的策略,构建能够同时水解木质纤维素和半纤维素木聚糖的工程菌,提高混合饲料的经济价值。

Pasture feed mainly includes silage and grain feed. Silage contains a large amount of lignocellulose, which is difficult to digest and absorb, while grain feed is composed of a large amount of hemicellulose xylan, which is not easily absorbed by animals. Our team adopts the multi-enzyme synergistic degradation strategy to construct engineered bacteria that can hydrolyze lignocellulose and hemicellulose xylan simultaneously. It improves the economic value of mixed feed.


