康彬 Karsten Kang
发布时间:2020-11-06 10:09:13   发布人:陈智勇   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:455


作为一名化学老师,康彬老师在华师双语入职一年时间。到目前为止,他具有 5 年双语 IGCSE 课程的教学经验以及班主任经历。他所带出的毕业班有三分之一的同学进入英国 G5 和美国 top40 大学。除此之外,康老师还拥有丰富的IB 和A-level 教学经验。康彬老师研究生毕业于德国亚琛工业大学,同时具有双科学学士学位。

Karsten has been working as a chemistry teacher in ECNUAS for one year. So far, he has 5 years teaching experience in IGCSE and 5 years management experience as a class supervisor. One third of his graduated students received offers from G5 colleges and top 40 colleagues in America. Besides, he is also experienced in IB and A-level teaching.Karsten graduated with a master degree majoring from RWTH Aachen university in Germany. He also finished his two Bachelor science degrees in Paderborn university and Qingdao University of Science and Technology.