Emmett O'Brien
发布时间:2020-11-06 11:36:05   发布人:陈智勇   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:611


My name is Emmett O’Brien and am from Ireland. I am the Physical Education teacher in the school. I have many hobbies and have a strong interest in sports. My main interest is football and enjoy playing and coaching. I completed my sports coaching degree in university. This was a great experience to participate in different activities and be involved in different teams working on different projects.
I got a lot of experience working with schools and clubs around the country. I then completed a PGCE at Nottingham University. I have been in Shanghai, China over 6 years. I have learned a lot about myself by living away from home and adapting to another country. I have worked in different Bi-Lingual schools in Shanghai and met many different people along the way. This is my 3rd year working in ECNUAS as the Physical Education teacher and have enjoyed my time here.

我是来自爱尔兰的 Emmett O'Brien,教授学生们体育课程。我的爱好十分广泛,并对各类运动非常感兴趣,尤爱足球,我不止喜欢自己踢球,也喜欢教同学们踢球。大学期间,我完成了并取得了体育教学相关的学位。参与不同的活动,并与不同的团队完成不同的项目对我来说是非常好的经历。我工作经验丰富,曾任职于全国各地的多所学校和俱乐部。之后我在Nottingham University 完成并取得了研究生教育证书
我在上海已经 6 年了。在远离家乡、远渡重洋的这些年中,我学到了很多也更加深刻的认识了我自己。我在上海不同的双语学校工作过,一路上遇到了许多不同的人。今年是我在华师双语当体育老师的第三年,这三年我在这里度过了非常快乐的时光。