Chris Erasmus
发布时间:2020-11-06 11:40:55   发布人:陈智勇   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:688


Chris Erasmus completed his undergrad studies as a Human Movement specialist at the University of Pretoria, South Africa in 1989. Chris started his career as a physical therapist in the South African Police Service (SAPS) in 1991. Chris was also tasked to do policy writing for health and fitness in the SAPS and was a main organizer of some national sporting code championships in the SAPS. After receiving his Teaching Diploma in 2001 from the University Of South Africa, he started lecturing part time at the University Of Pretoria. In 2003 Chris completed his PhD studies in Physical education at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.
In 2008 Chris joined a private Education Institution as Head of the Sports Department. He taught human physiology and nutrition for grade 10 to 12, and also taught physical education subjects on diploma level. He decided to expand his teaching experience in 2014 by excepting a teaching job at a international school in Tianjin, China. In 2015 he joined ECNUAS team as Head of the PE department.

1989 年,Chirs Erasmus 在南非的比勒陀利亚大学完成了Human Movement 本科阶段的研究及学习。1991 年,他开始任职于南非警察总署。在任职期间,他负责为警察们定制合理的健身方案,也是一些国家体育法规锦标赛的主要组织者。2001 年取得南非大学授予的体育教师执照后,Chris 开始在比勒陀利亚大学兼职讲课。2003年,Chris 完成并取得了比勒陀利亚大学的体育教育专业博士文凭。
2008 年,Chris 加入一家私立教育机构,担任体育部总监,在此期间,他教授 10 至 12 年级学生的人体生理学和营养学,并教授及帮助学生们取得体育文凭。2014 年,他来到中国天津,开始在一家双语学校任教,这大大丰富了他的教学经验。2015 年,他加入华师双语,担任体育部总监。