张丽苹 Liping Zhang
发布时间:2020-11-06 11:12:28   发布人:陈智勇   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:702


张丽苹,华东师范大学文艺学硕士。在加入华师双语之前,曾在美国教授汉语。目前,她已经在华师双语工作了5年,担任IGCSE中文、IBDP 中文、班主任及中国文化研究老师。

Liping Zhang received a degree of master from East China Normal University and majored in Theory of Literature. She taught Chinese as a second language in USA before joining in ECNUAS. She has been a member of ECNUAS for 5 years taking the role of IGCSE&IBDP Chinese teacher,homeroom teacher and Chinese Culture Study school-based course teacher.